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Hunter et al v Southam Inc - 1984 Constitutional law — Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms — Unreasonable search and seizure 1984 2 SCR 145
R v Keegstra - 1988 Constitutional law - Charter of Rights - Presumption of innocence - Reverse onus provision 43 CCC (3d) 150
1978 2 SCR 916
Aetna Financial Services v Feigelman - 1985 Injunction — Mareva injunction — Interlocutory order restraining transfer of assets to another province pending trial 1985 1 SCR 2
7 positive
100 neutral
1 negative
| Recent:
Applied by
[2007] 3 LRC 338 (Supreme Court (Canada))
Multiple Access Ltd v McCutcheon - 1982 Constitutional law — Validity of legislation — Insider trading 1982 2 SCR 161
Fine's Flowers Ltd. et al. v General Accident Assurance Co. of Canada et al. - 1977 Insurance - Agents - Liability - Plaintiff relying on insurance agent to obtain full business coverage 81 DLR (3d) 139
2 positive
47 neutral
3 negative
| Recent:
Cited by
Hodgkinson v Simms (Supreme Court (Canada))
R v Daoust [SC (Can)] - 2004 Criminal law — Elements of offence — Laundering proceeds of crime 2004 1 SCR 217
Bank of British Columbia v Turbo Resources Ltd. - 1983 Guarantee and suretyship - Discharge of surety - Failure by creditor to notify surety and to make him party to renegotiation as expressly agreed - Whether surety discharged. 148 DLR (3d) 598
W. J. Christie & Co. Ltd. v Greer et al. - 1981 Master and servant - Employee's fiduciary duty - Employee soliciting business from former employer's clients - Whether in breach of fiduciary duty. 121 DLR (3d) 472
Doiron v Caisse Populaire D'inkerman Ltee - 1985 Contracts - Contribution among contract breakers - Solicitor negligently failing to procure guarantees as security for loan - Lender negligently failing to ascertain absence of guarantees 17 DLR (4th) 660
1 positive
19 neutral
| Recent:
Referred to by
[2007] 2 LRC 593 (Court of Appeal (Singapore))
Standard Investments Ltd. et al. v Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce - 1981 Banks - Fiduciary duty - Customer revealing intention to acquire company 22 DLR 4th 410
1 positive
21 neutral
| Recent:
Cited by
Botiuk v Toronto Free Press Publications Ltd (Supreme Court (Canada))
William E. Thomson Associates Inc. v Carpenter William E. Thomson Associates Inc. v Martin - 1989 Contracts - Illegality - Breach of statute - Loan at criminal rate of interest 61 DLR (4th) 1
23 neutral
1 negative
| Recent:
Cited by
R v Tessling [SC (Can)] (Supreme Court (Canada))
Chu Yik Man v S Rajagopal & Co and Another - 1986 LAND - SALE OF LAND - Conditions of sale [1985-1986] SLR(R) 1164
7 positive
4 neutral
1 negative
| Recent:
Referred to by
Fong Tat Motor Co Pte Ltd v Chang Seow Song (Court of Appeal (Singapore))
Spurrell v HRC - 2003 Administrative Law - The hearing and decision - Decisions of the tribunal - Reasons for decisions 222 Nfld & PEIR 290
Pardy v Bayer Inc - 2004 Practice - Persons who can sue and be sued - Indi-viduals and corporations - Status or stand-ing 237 Nfld & PEIR 179
11 neutral
R v LMB - 2004 Criminal Law - Punishments (sentence) - Conditional sentence - When available or appropriate 240 Nfld & PEIR 334
12 neutral
R v Doyle (BJ) - 2003 Criminal Law - Punishments (sentence) - Imprisonment and parole - Parole 222 Nfld & PEIR 211
R v SP - 2003 Criminal Law - Special powers - Forensic DNA analysis - When DNA sample order available or appropriate 225 Nfld & PEIR 4
9 neutral
R v EPB - 2003 Criminal Law - Punishments (sentence) - Conditional sentence - When available or appropriate 222 Nfld & PEIR 281
8 neutral
1 negative
| Recent:
Cited by
(2005), 294 Sask.R. 226 (QB) (Court of Queen's Bench of Saskatchewan (Canada) )
Park v Walsh - 2003 Family Law - Custody and access - Considerations in awarding custody - Capacity or conditions of parents 223 Nfld & PEIR 116
8 neutral
R v McCarthy (SP) - 2004 Criminal Law - Sentencing - Considerations on imposing sentence - Domestic violence 237 Nfld & PEIR 332
7 neutral
Nfld v Drew - 2003 Indians, Inuit and Metis - General - Duty owed to Indians by Crown - [See Indians, Inuit and Metis 228 Nfld & PEIR 1
Kerr v Kerr - 1933 Constitutional law — Marriage — Action for declaration that marriage ceremony null and void 1934 SCR 72
1 positive
6 neutral
| Recent:
Cited by
[1982] BCJ No 1667 (Supreme Court of British Columbia (Canada))
R v Moss (SK) - 2003 Criminal Law - Compelling appearance, detention and release - Interim release or detention of accused pending trial or appeal - Detention necessary for the protection of the public 229 Nfld & PEIR 67
Nuport Holdings, Re - 2003 Limitation of Actions - Equitable limitation periods - Laches - General 224 Nfld & PEIR 254
6 neutral
2 negative
| Recent:
Cited by
Silver v Fulton (Supreme Court of Nova Scotia (Canada))