Link Customisation 

By default, JustCite will list every third party provider carrying the text of any given report. We do this for two reasons:

  1. As a provider-neutral citator, JustCite gives equal billing to every provider who carries a given title; and
  2. Many information officers find it useful to see which providers carry which titles, so they can quickly work out what they need to subscribe to and where they may have duplication.

However, once JustCite is rolled out to fee earners, having every external resource enabled by default can be confusing. We therefore provide a facility whereby information officers can selectively enable only certain providers, or certain titles on certain providers.

This facility is not available by default. To have it enabled, please contact the Justis Helpdesk by email and request Administrator privileges.

Only the Admin User will have access to these options, which include customisation. The Admin Zone Guide (PDF) explains the process in more detail. You may also wish to refer to our list of linked publishers.

When customising external links on JustCite, please be aware of the following:

  • Changes will not take effect for any users currently logged in. Users must log out and back in again to see the changes.
  • There are different sets of titles for the old and new Westlaw platforms. Be sure to choose the right set!
  • Links making reference to Athens, Shibboleth or Home Institution are for academic users only. They will not work for anyone else and should be disabled.

We recommend that you always enable the Free Resources collection to give users access to BAILII, SLD and Europa, among other services.

For a video guide to link customisation, click here.